lunes, 16 de julio de 2018

Visiting Santiago de Cuba

Few days ago, I went with  my dad and my youngest daughter together with the community project Changüiseros unidos por una sonrisa", from El Salvador municipality, in Guantanamo, to the neighboring province Santiago de Cuba to show the most genuine traditions of this land between rivers to the disabled children of Santiago who belong to the sociocultural project "Sin Barreras "
In the Hero City, we began the tour with a visit to the Santa Ifigenia Monument Cemetery, where we observed the military ceremony at the mausoleums of Cuban heroes and martyrs such as José Martí, Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, Mariana Grajales and Fidel Castro.

Then, both projects went to the museum "El Carnaval", where we appreciated "El patio de Merli", a cultural activity performed by the disabled children and youngsters of the América Lavadí Home and La Playita children's conga.

The community project "Changüiseros unidos por una sonrisa,” made up by the changüí group of adults and children dancers, showed their skills performing the Guantanamo native rhythm as part of the work they carry out to preserve this tradition. The following pictures show how the day was.


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